Dalí’s Palette: From Surrealism to Chupa Chups

Nuestro Stories Staff
 | February 6, 2024

Spanish Artist Salvador Dalí was larger than life. His artistic legacy extends beyond the canvas, leaving an indelible mark on popular culture.

He’s known for his melting clocks, having a flamboyant personality, and donning that distinctive pointy mustache. All together, it made him a captivating and controversial figure.

But, aside from all that, did you know Dalí was also a freelance graphic designer? He was. And you’ve probably known his work since you were a kid.

The 20th century painter is the mastermind behind a lollipop logo.

“You won’t believe me, but the famous logo of the Chupa Chups was designed by Salvador Dali in less than an hour,” Cuban Influencer El Cubaneo recently told his 193k Facebook followers.

It’s true. Dalí created the Chupa Chups logo in the late 1960s, as a freelance gig.

“BIllions of sales later, it’s arguably the most reproduced artwork in the world,” Discovery UK says.

Dalí: Beyond the Canvas

Sure, art historians and his fans know how Dalí explored subconscious imagery and reality with fantasy in his paintings. He was a pioneer and a provocateur of Surrealism, a movement that challenged the conventional boundaries of art and reason. What many may now know is that he did the same in other types of media.

For example, he famously collaborated with filmmakers like Luis Buñuel and Alfred Hitchcock, and created designs for jewelry, textiles, clothing, costumes, and stage sets. 

Then, the candy business came calling.

In 1969, Dali was approached by the Spanish confectionery company Chupa Chups to design a new logo for their lollipops.

The company’s founder, Enric Bernat, a friend of Dali’s, explained to the painter that he wanted a logo that would be easily recognizable.

“The Spanish painter drew a yellow daisy on which he wrote the name of the brand and also suggested the place where the logo should be placed: right on top of the treat, so that it would be better appreciated,” the Spanish-language outlet Milenio explains. “The most incredible thing is that it took Dalí only an hour to design the new logo for Chupa Chups.”

The logo became an instant hit and is still used by the company today.

The bright colors and whimsical design are instantly recognizable, while the incorporation of the Chupa Chups name into the design shows Dali’s attention to detail and his understanding of branding.

Why would an artist of his stature create a logo? Some say it was all about the money.

“The guy rarely turned it down, causing surrealist poet André Breton to nickname him ‘Avida Dollars’ – an anagram of Dalí’s name that roughly translates to ‘eager for cash,’” Fast Company writes.

Today the logo is recognized around the world, with few knowing its artistic origin. 

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