Alejandra Marisa Rodriguez Makes Miss Universe Pageant History 

Catherine A. Jones
 | May 6, 2024

I’m not one for beauty pageants, and neither are my teenage daughters. We never have been. I guess you can blame the demands of work, their heavy homework schedules, and other daily distractions for our lack of interest. But, this week, when news popped up on all of our social media that a 60-year-old woman won the local Miss Universe pageant in Argentina, we stopped and paid attention. What the heck? Was it fake, or did a sexagenarian just make Miss Universe history? It was time for all of us to dig deeper and meet Alejandra Marisa Rodriguez, the woman who won Miss Universe Buenos Aires at 60. In an instant, her win rocked our worlds – mine more than theirs.

Meet Alejandra Marisa Rodríguez

“Alejandra Marisa Rodríguez, a 60-year-old lawyer and journalist from La Plata, Argentina, defies age stereotypes by winning Miss Universe Buenos Aires 2024,” the popular Instagram account Pubity announced to its 38.1 millions followers last week. “Her victory showcases that beauty and confidence transcend age, especially since the Miss Universe Organization removed the upper age limit in 2023.”

The post received over 120,000 likes and more than 1,500 comments in just five hours. It seems that my daughters and I weren’t the only ones stopping to listen to the pageant news.

Most of the comments mirrored what we were thinking: “She’s 60?” “Is she really 60?” And “She looks great!”

Within minutes, my teens moved on, but I didn’t. I knew this was a historic feat. And it added a new layer to the same-ol’ conversation of aging. Women dreading every new birthday now had Alejandra Marisa Rodríguez. She was not just a pageant winner. She was, and is, our new hero.

A Significant Milestone

As I suspected, Rodriguez’s victory was no ordinary win. She is the first woman in her sixties to claim the Miss Universe Buenos Aires crown, or any regional Miss Universe pageant for that matter. “Rodríguez’s victory represents a significant milestone in challenging ageist norms and redefining societal standards of attractiveness,” Hola explains.

But how did she achieve this remarkable feat?

The answer lies in the pageant’s new rules. For the 2024 competition, organizers eliminated age limits for contestants, allowing women of all ages to participate. This change opened the door for Rodriguez, who admitted this was her first time competing in a beauty pageant. She’s never even modeled.

What’s Next?

Her pageant story, and its effects on the lives of millions of women, is still unraveling. 

Rodriguez is basking in her historic win, now telling her inspirational story on Argentenian morning news shows. Many of the news anchors ask her what we all want to know: what helps her look and feel so great at 60? And (my favorite) “do you have kids?” The answer, by the way, is “no,” she does not have kids.

As her journey on and off the pageant stage continues, many of us know that truth. Her mere participation challenges traditional perceptions and breaks ageism barriers at Miss Universe and beyond.

“Her presence in the upcoming Miss Universe Argentina 2024 contest further underscores the importance of inclusivity and representation in the beauty industry,” Hola writes.

For now, her win means she’ll represent her hometown of Buenos Aires in the upcoming Miss Universe Argentina 2024 contest, on May 25. She’ll compete alongside women, of all ages, from each province of the country. She’ll be the oldest contestant on the stage.

Rodriguez’s Impact

As we watch her next chapter unfold, we’re reminded that dreams can be pursued at any age.

Her victory at the local pageant now shows that age knows no bounds when it comes to beauty and worth. And that alone, during “anti-aging”-obsessed times like these, means a lot. 

For many of us, it’s quite simple. Rodriguez winning Miss Universe Buenos Aires is more than a social media reel or headline. She’s a beacon of possibility. She’s shown women that anything’s possible at any age. Her victory in Buenos Aires last week wasn’t just about winning a beauty pageant. It was a much-needed reminder to all of us that women have the potential to break barriers and make history, at any age. And that’s a big win … for all of us.

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