
Frida Fridays: Breaking Boundaries and Shattering Stereotypes

September 8, 2023
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Blood in and Blood Out and Up in Smoke make Congressman’s List for Library of Congress

September 7, 2023
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You Don’t Mess With Tex Mex!: The Tasty Evolution of the Tortilla Snack (Part II)

September 5, 2023
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From El Comal to the Plate: The Tasty Evolution of the Tortilla Snack (Part I)

September 4, 2023
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Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, First Democrat of Latino Descent to Run For President Dies

September 2, 2023
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Frida: Love, Loss and Henry Ford

September 1, 2023
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Cassandro: The Making of the Exotico Trailblazer

August 31, 2023
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Cassandro, King of the Exoticos

August 30, 2023
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Shakira soon to be Barranquilla’s 20 foot woman

August 29, 2023
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