How Messy Do You Want It? The Elote vs Esquites Debate

 | June 26, 2023

Illustration by Nuestro Stories.

Elote or esquites? This is the kind of difficult life decision that we all must face in life, and when making a tough decision, it’s important to have all of the information.

No matter what option you choose it will end up delicious, but there are key differences that may influence that choice. So, what is the difference between the two? Before we delve into that question, let’s take a closer look at what makes these two dishes so similar – both in taste and in their origin story.

Both elote and esquites fall under the umbrella of “street food” – prepared and sold publicly on the streets (sometimes from a cart or carrito, sometimes from a truck, sometimes out of a dark blue ice chest on wheels, filled to the brim with tasty treasures wrapped in shining tin foil).

While we may not know exactly who invented the concept of street food, we do know why it began in the first place. From the roads of Greece to the tenements of Rome, to the streets of Mexico, the concept was born of a communal need. In the areas that were lacking in resources, basic amenities such as an oven in their home, or an inability to store fresh food – street food appeared.

Part mutual aid, part survival, the concept has managed to continue from ancient times until the present day. The people feeding the people due to a lack of resources and access. While the kinds of food served may have evolved and changed with the times, some things remain the same.

Read more: Did You Know Corn Sells More Than Hamburgers and Hot Dogs in the U.S.?

So, Which One Takes the Prize? Elote or Esquites?

Con tantas similitudes en su origen, el elote y el esquite también tienen perfiles de sabor similares. Sin embargo, la presentación es lo que marca la diferencia.

El elote es un plato tradicional mexicano a base de mazorca de maíz que se asa al fuego y se unta con una combinación de mayonesa, queso, jugo de limón, salsa picante y chile en polvo. La evolución moderna, por supuesto, introdujo el Tajín en la mezcla. Esto cambia las reglas del juego. Es un plato complicado que le dejará la cara y, posiblemente, la camisa, un poco manchadas de salsa. Por delicioso que sea, no es el plato más eficiente para comer sobre la marcha.

Eso, combinado quizá con las facturas de la tintorería en que incurrían los clientes, nos llevó a los esquites, un plato que toma los mismos sabores e ingredientes del elote pero los coloca en un tazón fácil de llevar a cualquier parte.

Sean cuales sean sus diferencias, lo que no cambia es que son igual de sabrosos. Lo único es qué tan limpio quieras quedar. O, mejor aún, lo mucho que te quieras ensuciar.

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